SSCE Conference 2024: Decline and Christian Ethics

Registration for the 2024 conference is now open!

Decline can take many forms. It can be found in the rising cost of living, diminishing trust in politicians, deterioration in the social fabric, the outbreak of war, an escalating climate crisis, or falling church attendance. Christian Ethics can serve these spaces by reflecting on both the causes of decline and what decline means for the practice of ethics. Are there particular theological concepts or theologians whose work sheds light on the roots of decline and the nature of ethical living in its midst? Christian Ethics might also reflect upon the way decline is narrated, asking how narratives of decline can work to both recognise very real challenges and provide resources for solidarity, resistance and a reimagining of the future. Examining the ethics of narration will also lead the Christian Ethicist to enquire about the perspective from which a narrative of decline is told. Not all narratives are true and a narrative of decline may be a mis-narration of the world.

The plenary speakers and topics are:

Neil Messer (Baylor University/SSCE President), “The Decline of the Human? Identity, Agency, and Justice in an Age of Emerging Neurotechnologies” (Presidential Address).

Nicholas Adams (University of Birmingham), on the decline of the study of religion and theology

Eboni Marshall Turman (Yale University Divinity School), “Make the Church Great Again: Black Womanist Christian Ethics and the Paradox of Decline”

Eve Poole, “DECLAINE – How the design of AI is eroding our humanity”

Discounted early bird booking rates are available until 11:59pm on 3 July 2024.

Conference booking closes at 11:59pm on 7 August 2024!

The conference will begin Thursday 5 September 2024 with registrations from 13:30-16:00 and the Postgraduate Forum at 14:00 and Welcome for all particiapants at 16:00. The conference will end on Saturday 7 September with lunch at 12:45-13:45.



Sep 05 - 07 2024

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York St John University
York, YO31 7EX, United Kingdom


York St John University
Society for the Study of Christian Ethics

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